Why is my LinkedIn disconnected?

Why is my LinkedIn disconnected?

Why is my LinkedIn disconnected?

From time to time, either we or LinkedIn implement updates necessitating the disconnection of accounts from the platform. In such cases, an email alert will be sent to you to re-link your LinkedIn with SocialLead.

When should I refresh my list?

When should I refresh my list?

When should I refresh my list?

You should consider refreshing your prospect list when either your existing list dwindles to under 50 individuals or the forecasted response rate dips below 30%.

You should consider refreshing your prospect list when either your existing list dwindles to under 50 individuals or the forecasted response rate dips below 30%.

You should consider refreshing your prospect list when either your existing list dwindles to under 50 individuals or the forecasted response rate dips below 30%.

Do I respond via LinkedIn or SocialLead?

Do I respond via LinkedIn or SocialLead?

Do I respond via LinkedIn or SocialLead?

Since replies and messages are sent through Sales Navigator and/or LinkedIn messaging, we encourage you to reply through the SocialLead Inbox. This will also allow you to take advantage of the quick responses an Smart Reply features.

Since replies and messages are sent through Sales Navigator and/or LinkedIn messaging, we encourage you to reply through the SocialLead Inbox. This will also allow you to take advantage of the quick responses an Smart Reply features.

Since replies and messages are sent through Sales Navigator and/or LinkedIn messaging, we encourage you to reply through the SocialLead Inbox. This will also allow you to take advantage of the quick responses an Smart Reply features.

How do I reallocate the number of invites?

How do I reallocate the number of invites?

How do I reallocate the number of invites?

Within the Team Members section of your campaign(s), you're able to adjust the daily invitations assigned to each of your initiatives. You might need to "free up" invites from any active campaigns to alter the daily quota for that specific initiative.

How do I remove someone from my list?

If there is someone in your prospect list that you do not want included in the messaging sequence, you can click on Stop Automation to take them out of the list. Keep in mind that once a message is sent, it can only be withdrawn or deleted from LinkedIn/Sales Navigator.

How do I remove a person from the message sequence?

How do I remove a person from the message sequence?

How do I remove a person from the message sequence?

You can remove a person from receiving any future messages by clicking on Connections from the left menu, use the search box at the top to find the person's name, and then click the check box next to their name, then click remove from the bottom menu bar. For a step-by-step, click here.

What is the max number of messages sent per day?

What is the max number of messages sent per day?

What is the max number of messages sent per day?

The maximum allocation per day for a Prospecting campaign is 25, for a Nurture campaign, it's 47. This helps avoid any potential restrictions on your LinkedIn account. Additionally, up to 35 Open InMail messages can be sent through our new InMail feature

Is there a referral program?

Is there a referral program?

Is there a referral program?

Indeed, we do! Should you point a potential user to SocialLead and they become a member, we'll reward you with a one-month credit following their second month of usage. And the best part? There's no cap on referral credits! So, continue spreading the word!

Indeed, we do! Should you point a potential user to SocialLead and they become a member, we'll reward you with a one-month credit following their second month of usage. And the best part? There's no cap on referral credits! So, continue spreading the word!

Indeed, we do! Should you point a potential user to SocialLead and they become a member, we'll reward you with a one-month credit following their second month of usage. And the best part? There's no cap on referral credits! So, continue spreading the word!

Created with ♥️ by SocialLead © 2024

Created with ♥️ by SocialLead © 2024

Created with ♥️ by SocialLead © 2024