Nurture Campaigns

Messaging Tips for Nurture Campaigns

You can approach Nurture Campaigns in different ways: what's most important is what will keep your network engaged in the long term.

You can approach Nurture Campaigns in different ways: what's most important is what will keep your network engaged in the long term.

Written By: Tony

Last Updated on September 13, 2024

This article provides Automated messaging examples that you can use for four key use cases. Before we dive in, here are some best practices that apply universally to all Nurture Campaigns, and ensure you engage with your network effectively:

Ensure your messages add value to your network. Set a 14-30 day gap between each message. Consider your long-term strategy to stay top of mind and keep leads warm
For any of the templates below, please be sure to replace personalization fields (indicated in all capital letters within the messages below).

Promote an upcoming event

Drive traffic and attendance to an upcoming webinar, conference, or virtual summit.

Message 1 Examples

Hey {firstname}, I hope you’re doing well! I wanted to see if you’d be interested in (WEBINAR/NAME OF EVENT). Would love to extend an invite if you're interested!

Hey {firstname}, just wanted to let you know that I will be having a webinar coming up and would love it if you could make it. Let me know!

Wondering if you'd be free this (insert date), {firstname}. We've got a webinar planned on (THEME/TOPIC). I just thought it might be of interest to you since I know you work in the (INDUSTRY) space.

Message 2 Examples

Hey {firstname}! Hope your week is going well. Given any more thought to the webinar I was mentioning? Thought it might be an area of focus for you and your company right now.

Hey just wanted to reach out again about the webinar. It's right around the corner! Let me know if I should mark you down as attending, {firstname}!

Check in with your broader network

Become top of mind with your connections, and uncover opportunities within your direct network.

Message 1 Examples

Hi {firstname}, it's been a while since we last spoke, thought I'd check in and see how things were going.

Long time no speak, {firstname}!

How's business?Hey, hope you and your family got to enjoy the (INSERT RECENT HOLIDAY) holiday! How have you been doing?

Message 2 Examples

Hey {firstname}, just circling back here, and I was thinking maybe it would be good to set up a chat to catch up soon!

{firstname}, I know you must be pretty busy. Let me know if I can do anything for you or anyone else in your network. I always just like to put that offer out there.

If I can do anything for you, your business, or anyone else in your network, just ping me. Maybe we can catch up at some point, too! 

Follow-up with your prospects

Continue to engage with your newest connections, and warm them up to close the deal.

Message 1 Examples

Hey {firstname}, it’s been a while since I first reached out to you. Thought I’d touch base and see if you’d had any more time to think about (INSERT PREVIOUS PROPOSITION).

Hi {firstname}, I hope you've been well. I'd like to revisit our discussion on (INSERT TOPIC) if you're available for a quick 10-15 minute conversation this week. Talk soon!

Message 2 Example

Hey {firstname}, how are you? Last time we spoke you'd mentioned reaching back out in (X MONTHS). Are you open to a conversation?

Establish yourself as a thought leader

Share valuable content and insights to build expertise and credibility.

Message 1 Examples

Hey {firstname}, we recently published this article on (INSERT TOPIC) and I thought you might be interested in it. Give it a read, I’d love to hear your thoughts! (INSERT ARTICLE LINK).

Hi {firstname}, our monthly newsletter on (INSERT TOPIC) was just released. What are your thoughts on (INSERT TOPIC) in the (INSERT INDUSTRY)? It's a topic I've been looking into lately and would love to get to know your perspective on it.

Hey {firstname}, based on your expertise in (INSERT INDUSTRY), I'd love to chat about your ideas related to an article I wrote on (INSERT TOPIC): (INSERT ARTICLE LINK). Let me know!

Message 2 Examples

I'm so curious to hear what you thought of the article I sent you last week, {firstname}. It's kind of a different take, hopefully, it was insightful!

What did you think of the article, by the way? Would love to get your insights.

Did you find the article interesting, {firstname}?

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Created with ♥️ by SocialLead © 2024

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