Nurture Campaigns
What are Nurture Campaigns?
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Last Updated on September 13, 2024
What are Nurture Campaigns?
Simplify engagement with your first-degree network
Over 90% of your LinkedIn connections you make won't be ready to talk or make a purchase right away. While the 10% of leads that are ready to talk are where your main focus is on, you definitely shouldn't neglect the 90%. It's critical that you strengthen your professional network over time.
That's where Nurture Campaigns come in: it brings the best of what you know and love from Prospecting Campaigns to your direct network.
What are Nurture Campaigns?
Nurture Campaigns enable automated messaging to your first-degree connections, whether you connected with them through a SocialLead Prospecting Campaign, or they are from your existing LinkedIn network.
Here are some unique features that come with Nurture Campaigns:
No limitation on campaign messages
Increased options for delay between each message
Run Nurture Campaigns simultaneously to your Prospecting Campaigns
Nurture Campaigns are part of your SocialLead subscription
💡Tip: We recommend starting with 25 daily messages for your first nurture campaign
Why use Nurture Campaigns?
Outreach doesn't stop at the connection: it's the beginning of your network and the professionals you build. You can use Nurture Campaigns to enhance your social prospecting for the long term. Here are just some ways to use this feature:
Seamlessly move leads between Prospecting Campaigns to Nurture Campaigns when they connect with you
Become a thought leader by regularly sharing content with your network directly
Keep you and your brand top of mind and ensure your leads stay warm; be ready to sell when they're ready to buy
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