Best Pracitces

InMail Messaging Tips

InMail messages are private messages that allow you to contact anyone on LinkedIn without being connected to them on LinkedIn

InMail messages are private messages that allow you to contact anyone on LinkedIn without being connected to them on LinkedIn

Written By: Tony

Last Updated on September 13, 2024

Setting up your first InMail Messaging sequence in SocialLead requires careful consideration. This article provides insights into the best practices observed by SocialLead ahead of this feature launch. To access the feature, navigate to your campaign and look for the InMail Messaging tab at the top.

InMail Subject Line

InMail has a “Subject” line just like an email. This required field serves as the attention grabber in your outreach.

The character limit for the subject line is 150 characters.

Body of the Message/InMail

Similar to an email, InMail includes a “Body Message” where you compose your main message, incorporating text, links, and more. It should be informative, and engaging, and provide the core message you want to convey.

The character limit for the body of the message is 1800 characters (recommended to keep under 500 characters to optimize your response rate).

Craft your InMail message thoughtfully, ensuring conciseness and relevance for improved engagement. 

Messaging Tips: 

  • Personalize the message by using: 
    a) Personalized tokens such as "First Name" and "Last Name" 
    b) Relevant insights: commonality, professional news, LinkedIn activity 

  • Leave the reader with a sense of curiosity. Making them feel that they might be missing out on something valuable.

  • Keep it short, concise and to the point to keep your reader's attention by 
    a) Monitoring character count 
    b) Following a format: Personalize > Pain point/discovery of a problem > Solution/Personal experience with solving the problem > Set a clear CTA (Call To Action)

  • Follow-up times: 

    Send a follow-up InMail 3-4 days after

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Created with ♥️ by SocialLead © 2024

Created with ♥️ by SocialLead © 2024