Getting Started

Prospecting Messaging Guide

This article outlines how to craft an Automated Messaging sequence that will open up engaged responses from your prospects.

This article outlines how to craft an Automated Messaging sequence that will open up engaged responses from your prospects.

Written By: Tony

Last Updated on September 18, 2024


When making a conversational approach in messaging on LinkedIn, it’s important to keep the following key tips in mind.


Tailor your message to the individual. Mention specific details from their profile or recent activities to show that your message is not generic.

Clear Purpose:

Clearly state the purpose of your message. Whether it's to connect, seek advice, or discuss potential collaboration, be upfront about your intentions.

Professional Tone:

Maintain a professional and respectful tone. Even though LinkedIn is a platform for professional networking, it's crucial to be polite and considerate in your communication.

Introduction and Context:

Introduce yourself and provide context for reaching out. Mention why you find their profile interesting or relevant and how you believe connecting could be mutually beneficial.

Value Proposition:

Communicate the value of connecting or engaging with you. Explain how the connection can be valuable for both parties, whether through shared interests, industry knowledge, or potential collaboration.

Avoid Generic Templates:

Avoid using generic or overly used templates. Craft a message that feels genuine and unique to your relationship or potential connection.

Connection Request Message

Purpose: Establish a personalized connection on LinkedIn by acknowledging shared experiences, locations, or events.

Referencing Mutual Connections:

Mention shared connections and express a desire to expand your network.

Example A:   Hey {firstname}, I noticed we have a few connections in common, I thought it would be nice to get in touch. I’m always looking to expand my network!

Example B:  Hi {firstname}, I noticed we have a few common connections!  I am always looking to expand my network. I look forward to connecting with you.  You never know the value of a connection until you make it.

Example C:  Hi {firstname}. You’ve popped up in my LinkedIn feed a few times, so I thought I’d connect.

Example D:  Hey {firstname}, I see that we’re connected to some of the same people in the industry. It would be great to connect!

Example E: Hi {firstname} - I’m looking to connect with more CEOs and your name popped up. Please feel free to accept my invitation to connect, and hopefully we can get to know each other soon. Thank you!

Example F: Hey {firstname} I'm currently expanding my network with like-minded professionals and I'd love to connect.

Example G: Hey {firstname}! Looks like we know some of the same people! Would love to have you in my network, let’s connect! 

Example H: Hello {firstname}, I made a resolution this year to expand my network to more entrepreneurial souls, people who like to reinvent conventions and who are inspiring in their own way. Your experience piques my curiosity so here I am! Hoping to have the opportunity to exchange ideas.

Location-based Personalization: Mention shared connections and express a desire to expand your network within a specific metropolitan region.

  • NOTE: Please replace the current location shown with your own specific location.

Example A:   Hey {firstname}, I noticed we have a few connections in common, I thought it would be nice to get in touch especially with people around the Orlando area. I’m always looking to expand my network! 

Example B:  Hi {firstname}, I've noticed we share a few connections, and I believe it would be valuable to connect, especially given our proximity in the Boston metropolitan region. I'm continually seeking to expand my network!

Second Message

NOTE: We recommend setting the Follow-up Send Times to be within 2-3 hours after they accept your invite, on a random number of minutes. For example: 177 minutes, 163 minutes, etc.

Conversational Approach Messaging: Focus on personalization, clear purpose, professional tone, introduction, value proposition, and avoiding generic templates.

NOTE:  Please fill in any field in parentheses, ie. “(insert your current role)”

  • Examples:

    • Hey {firstname}, As a (Insert your current role) , I am always looking to network with like-minded individuals and explore new opportunities. I'm passionate about helping (What your line of work helps companies achieve) and would love to learn more about your perspective. If you're open to it, I'd love to connect further and discuss what (pain points that are experienced with clients in this industry) and what approaches you're currently taking. Perhaps we can schedule a quick call and exchange thoughts on the latest industry developments?

    • At ( include your Company Name), we distinguish ourselves by (highlighting unique aspects compared to competitors). I am interested to learn more about your perspective on (Pain Point faced by people in that specific industry). I’d love to schedule a brief call at your convenience next week to discuss further on this

    • Thank you for connecting {firstname}, really appreciated it. Like you, I am passionate about running and growing a small business by (What your companies does) I'm a (your current position), dedicated to helping small-to-medium sized businesses scale up their operations. We are both on LinkedIn to grow our professional networks, would you be open to a brief call to get to know each other better? I'd love to swap stories and see if there's any cool way we could collaborate or share insights.

    • Delighted {firstname}, really happy to be able to connect! As I explained in my previous message, I am trying to expand my professional network in order to interact with inspiring people. I like this business game especially for getting to know the people who play it too. So I try to meet 2 new people per month, whether over coffee or virtually, and your profile spoke to me! We would chat about our journeys in all lightness. It’s atypical, but more often than not it creates surprising and interesting encounters. What do you think?

Direct Approach Messaging: Provide a clear introduction and express a desire to learn more about the prospect.

NOTE:  Please fill in any field in parentheses, ie. “(Include your name here)"

  • Examples:

    • Hey {firstname}, thanks for connecting! I was looking closer at your profile, and it seems like we've had some similar experiences in the space. I'm curious to hear more about you and your focus. If you're open to it, I'd love to schedule a quick phone call next week. Let me know what time works best for you? 

    • Thanks for connecting, {firstname}! I work with a lot of USU grads in regard to their financial and retirement planning needs. I have no reason to believe you are in the market for anything that I offer, however I would love an opportunity to introduce myself on a professional level and share some of the ways I have been able to help others like yourself. If you are open to that, please shoot me a message back and we can schedule a brief Zoom call. I hope you have a great rest of your day. Thanks

    • Greetings {firstname}, thanks for connecting. I'm sure you're busy, but what do you think about finding a time to chat in the next week or two to put faces with names? I’d be interested in learning more about you and seeing if I may be a resource to you in any way. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Third Message

NOTE: We advise setting the Follow-up Send Times to 5-8 business days after the Second Message. For targeting busier roles like Decision-Makers and Owners/CEOs, we suggest setting it to 7 or 8 days. 

Follow-up Strategy: Employ as an additional attempt to engage, offering additional value and reiterating the offer to connect.

NOTE:  Please fill in any field in parentheses, ie. ''(Insert a phrase to communicate the value or result you provide)"

  • Examples:

    • Hi {firstname}, I hope you are well! We connected a few days ago, and it seems like timing is everything! In case you missed my prior message, I was wondering if you would be open to having a brief call to see if we can be a resource for your company? Let setup a time in the next week or two to chat further.

    • Hey {firstname}, I'm not sure if you saw my last message so I thought I would send a short follow up. I have enjoyed connecting with more contacts in my network recently and I was hoping to chat with you soon to learn more about what you do. Let me know what your schedule is looking like in the coming days and we can book in a time to quickly chat

    • Hey {firstname}, Not sure if you saw my last message. I'd love to get on your calendar and show you how we can help (insert a phrase to communicate the value or result you provide). You got some time to jump on a short zoom over the next couple of weeks?

    • I wanted to follow up from my previous messages to see if you might be interested in a conversation. We are looking to help companies (insert the result you help companies achieve). If you would like to learn more, let me know a good time to reach you and I will be in touch.

    • Hi {firstname}, I realized it may have been a bad time when I initially reached out. I wanted to see if now might be better for you, any thoughts on chatting about your  needs? (insert a word or two to do with what you provide)

Additional Strategy: Hosting online sessions offering valuable insights into your professional domain can position you as a thought leader.

NOTE:  Please fill in any field in parentheses, ie. “(include the date or month of your event)”

  • Example: Hey {firstname}, How's it going? I wanted to follow up find out when you have a few minutes to chat about how we can collaborate. ..... OH! I also wanted to mention that in January 2024 (include the date or month of your event), we'll be hosting an exciting mastermind specifically for (include your industry and what they specialize in), where we will provide insider strategies used by top organizations to tackle complexity in the (Your industry) space. And I'd love to extend this special invite to you! I truly believe that sharing these insider tips can make a huge impact on your efficiency, effectiveness, and income growth.

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