Getting Started

SocialLead Quick Tour

A high-level overview of the platform

A high-level overview of the platform

Written By: Tony

Last Updated on September 11, 2024

SocialLead Quick Tour

This introductory article will help you get familiarized with the different sections of the SocialLead platform, so you can make the most out of all the features available to you.


Table of Contents

  • Organization Hub

  • My Inbox

  • Team Inbox

  • Outbox

  • My Campaigns

  • Sent

  • Connections

  • Settings


Organization Hub

The Organization Hub (Org Hub) is the first screen you'll see upon logging in. This is your SocialLead homepage, and it gives you access to the most important information and links to ensure your campaigns are healthy.

Use the Org Hub to:

  • Get insights and metrics into the performance of your prospecting

  • Manage Team Members

  • Manage Tags in your account

  • Adjust your account Settings

  • Manage Quick Responses

  • Adjust Email Notification settings

My Inbox

As your campaigns continue to run, the My Inbox page will quickly become your go-to day-to-day operations center within SocialLead, and one of the pages to regularly visit.

Team Inbox

If you are a User with Administrative permissions, here is where you will find all the messages from other team members in your account.


View messages currently queued to be sent from your LinkedIn account before they go out.

My Campaigns

The My Campaigns section is the nerve center of your SocialLead account. This is where the configuration for your messaging automation happens. We recommend checking this section regularly to make sure your campaigns continue to perform with the current configuration.

Use this page to:


Messages manually sent and delivered to prospects via SocialLead (eg. through the Inbox) will be recorded in the Sent box once it has left the Outbox. You can filter by the contact name and order by Last Updated.


The connections page is your record of all the connections you’ve made while prospecting with SocialLead or who are associated with a nurture campaign.

Use this page to:


The settings page contains all account-level configurations.

Use this page to:

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Created with ♥️ by SocialLead © 2024

Created with ♥️ by SocialLead © 2024