Managing Your Inbox

Manage your prospects and contacts

Written By: Tony

Last Updated on September 14, 2024

The number of new prospects you're engaged with can get overwhelming very quickly. Not to worry: within your SocialLead Inbox, you can manage your connections and ensure you stay on top of conversations without getting lost in the mix, essentially bringing CRM-like powers to your LinkedIn engagements.

Access your prospect management features:

  1. Click My Inbox or Team Inbox in the left sidebar.

    Inbox Features 

    Listed below are the various functionalities accessible within your Inbox. Explore each of them and make sure to click on the available links to learn more.

    • Campaign Filter - Sort messages by the campaign from which the connection originates.

    • Tags Filter - Sort messages by their applied tags.

    • Team Member Filter (Team Inbox Only) - Sort messages by team member. 

    • Clear Filters - Remove any currently applied filters.

    • All - Displays all messages.

    • Unread - Shows only unread messages.

    • Reminders - View and action all reminders.

    • Search Bar - Easily find messages from specific prospects by using the search function. Search for contacts within the inbox using the search bar.

  1. View Unreplied Only - Display only messages not yet replied to when toggled.

    • LinkedIn Icon - Click here to directly access and view your connection's LinkedIn profile.

    • Clock Icon - Set a reminder.

    • Trash Icon/Delete Button - Permanently delete messages from your inbox view. You can still view them through your connections tab.

    • Apply Tags - Apply tags to messages to easily filter them.

    • Mark as Read/Unread - Indicate that messages have been read/unread (Unread messages are bolded while read messages aren't).

    • Move to Nurture Campaign - Transfer a connection from their current campaign to a selected nurture campaign and add them to its nurture list.

  2. Please click a specific name to view the conversation.

View Prospect window

Once you're in the View Prospect window, you'll have several options available to you. Click on each link to learn more about specific features.

  • Tagging: use tags to easily sort through and filter conversations and connections, as well as understand where in the process your prospects are.

  • Set reminder: along with sending your message, you can set a reminder or a task for yourself at a future date and get notified about it.

  • Schedule messages: write messages now, but have them sent at a future date.

  • Notes: take notes on important or relevant details on each of your connections, pre-meeting, during the meeting, and after each meeting, visible only to you.

  • Quick response: build pre-written and highly customized templates that you can easily click and send to your connections.

  • Smart Reply AI: use this feature to generate tailored message replies that resonate with your prospects and perfect your replies effortlessly with Smart Reply Edit.

  • Mark as Meeting Booked: track which conversations have led to a meeting within the platform and measure success through the Organization Hub Prospecting Funnel.

  • Personalized Insights AI: use this AI-powered analysis tool to tailor your approach at each stage of the sales funnel, ensuring your communication resonates with your prospect's preferred communication style.

Created with ♥️ by SocialLead © 2024

Created with ♥️ by SocialLead © 2024

Created with ♥️ by SocialLead © 2024